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Descrição: The note refers to Luchino Visconti, who began his cinematic career as assistant to Jean Renoir. His made his debut as director in 1942, during fascism, when the Italian cinema is dominated by the cinematic trend of neorealism, which exposes, through news reporting techniques, Italy's financial and social crisis. According to Andre Basin, the essential features of neorealism relate to: - Acting, an admixture of professional and amateur actors - The script, breaking free from the constraints of the text - Technique, problems, such as the lack of synchronization, increase flexibility - Shooting scenes, camera movement is very flexible Visconti's film OSSESSIONE (Obsession) places him at the head of the new movement, with this film adaptation of the novel "THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE", which turned to good advantage the acting talent of Clara Calamai and Massimo Girotti. The note concludes with an extensive reference to the various film adaptations of J. Cain's novel.
Fornecedor: Tainiothiki tis Ellados